Notation Based on Specified Commercial Transactions
Seller Name
General Operation Manager
Hiroki Yagi
Address of head office
68 Baba-cho, Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, 682-0914, Japan
Telephone number and inquiries
Please contact us by clicking here “Contact Us”.
We will notify you of our telephone number by e-mail without delay upon your request.
If you need our phone number, please use the form above.
Site URL
Payment Method
Credit card payment
Other payment methods provided by Stripe, which handles payment for purchases on your behalf.
Fees other than the product price
Shipping charges
Internet connection fees and communication fees required to view the pages of this site.
These are to be borne by the customer.
Selling price
The price will be displayed on the screen during the purchase process.
Delivery Charges and Delivery Time
For delivery charges and delivery time, please refer to “About Delivery Charges”.
Sales quantity
Minimum quantity is 1 piece.
Delivery Method
After our company makes arrangements, the product will be delivered by international mail.
Please refer to “About Product Delivery” in the Terms of Use.
Settlement Period
Payment will be processed immediately after the purchase is confirmed and payment is processed.
Returns and Defective Products
We do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer reasons.
Returns and exchanges will only be accepted if the product is defective or faulty and the reason is due to our company.
Please check our Returns and Refunds Policy and contact us for details.
Representations and Product Disclaimer
The representations and reproducibility shown in this product may vary from person to person and are not necessarily guaranteed to be beneficial or effective.