Refund/Return Policy

Amounts paid for our subscription services are non-returnable and non-refundable.
If you do not wish to be billed for future subscriptions, please send us your request to cancel your subscription prior to your renewal date via our cancellation form.
To cancel your subscription, please send us an email via “Contact Us”.
If your credit card company/wallet company objects, or if your credit card company/wallet company notifies us of actual or suspected fraudulent activity, we may suspend or terminate your account and payment capabilities and suspend or cancel pending box We may suspend or terminate your account and payment features and suspend or cancel any pending box shipments.
If you decide to file a lawsuit against Stripe, please note that Stripe has the final say on the billing.
If you encounter any payment problems, please contact us via Contact Us.

If the merchandise is defective, faulty, or otherwise caused by us, we can resend the merchandise within 5 days of receipt.
In the event of damage or discrepancies in the merchandise, the member shall notify the Company by e-mail via “Contact Us” within 5 days from the date of arrival and resend the merchandise after confirmation with the person in charge.
Please note that notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, resending of the following items cannot be accepted.
Damaged or missing products that are not caused by our company
Merchandise that has been in transit for more than 5 days after arrival
Products that have been damaged or soiled by the customer
Products without packaging (bag or box)
We will bear the shipping costs for resending, etc.
Please note that we do not accept any returns or exchanges for reasons attributable to the customer.